Tokonoma & Back Collection

This serves as our tokonoma (and phone cabinet and storage). The group on the left is the beginnings of a Kabudachi (clump on the same root) style Norfolk Island Pine. So far, I have merely repotted it and pinched out the tips -- hope that I did okay.

We recently collected a Japanese maple in my mother's backyard. Because of the direct sun and wind in the front of our building, Robert built a small shelf outside the window of the tokonoma for it to live on. It faces on a large airwell, which gets indirect light morning until mid-afternoon. It didn't take well to being dug up and most of the leaves faded, so I pruned most of them and am just hoping for the best.
I added the miniture fuschia from the last arboretum sale. I've pruned it of all the long, leggy branches, but haven't decide about the shape yet or if I even want to try to make it into a bonsai.